Sunday, April 3, 2011

Stars Wars + Teaching = Awesome Collaboration!

Great article that brings the elements of Star Wars into the world of teaching and parent-teacher involvement! I'm a Star Wars fan myself, so I found it quite cute and rather informative! :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

First Post

Hi there!

I've had a blogger for a little while now but never fixed it up or used it for anything. Now that one of my students has sent me his blog, he inspired me to start mine up again! :)

I suppose I'll use this post to introduce myself! I am a teacher in Astoria, Queens. This is my first teaching position! :) I student taught in Bayside, Queens for the Fall 2010 semester. I graduated from SUNY Old Westbury this past december with a certification in Childhood and Special Education with a concentration in American History. I absolutely love what I do and I'm so happy to be working with some fantastic students. :)

Before I started teaching, I use to work in a library. I worked in the movie department for about 5 years for two different libraries on Long Island. So ask me anything about books, movies or the internet!

It's a beautiful day outside! I think it's time to get off the computer an enjoy it! :)

Happy weekend!