Monday, September 2, 2013

New Beginning

I had such high hopes for when I first started this blog! Well, here I am again, attempting to start it back up!

I've decided to turn this into a different type of blog - something that I know quite a big about... traveling! Not your average vacation type of traveling blog... but rather a traveling teacher who travels to children's homes. Education on wheels, if you will. :) I have been providing home-based SETSS/SEIT (Special Education Teacher Support Services/ Special Education Itinerant Teacher) services since the day I earned my initial teaching certification. Unfortunately, most of the blogs and pinterest websites I come across are geared toward classroom teachers or homeschooling. I haven't been able to find many resources for the teachers who are on wheels to provide services for their students!

So, here I will share my experiences on wheels, organization ideas, program ideas and pick-up-and-go activities for teachers who travel to children's homes. More to come!

I'm sure my fellow traveling teachers know what it's like to live out of their car!
(Yes... all school supplies!!!)

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